Monday, 21 November 2016


Where we see the city of Hyderabad fills moreover with highest population than other states in Andhra Pradesh.Also be noted as it is the fourth largest city of India in respect of population, which is fast flourishing area in economic fields and owning high popularity with Industrial firms and Organizations.As Le Intelligensia, as a full gamut of legal services connected with diverse legal disciplines, and including the Intellectual property law and rights.Patent Rights is a legal right which an inventor or creator seems to get patented as the invention of the firm become worthless.Such invention you been created should somehow been manufactured and produced for usage, if such product where not legally registered under the act of government such thing would falls to risk.Whereas the absence of patent rights, there is a chances of a patent being registered in someone else’s name.This leads to need of Patent Registration In Hyderabad, which is quite reachable to people in the main city also being servicing in our main branch of main city Bangalore which is also the place of rising numerous inventions day to day.Process of Patent Registration In Hyderabad :
  1. Whether the product been patented in India will be ascertained.
  2. Only certain products can be patented some cannot.
  3. Whether all the conditions have been fulfilled for registering a patent are fulfilled need to be ascertained.
  4. The application needs to be drafted.
  5. The application needs to be uploaded on the internet.
  6. If objections have been raised, then legal options need to be explored.
  7. Finally, the patent is granted.

As our firm will won’t be cheating that our firm will be file the patent simply as per discussions in other discussion sites.As though it is also not much difficult but the process will be properly checked and then been approved.Our services will leads you with great satisfaction as we respect your values than the money.

Contact Us

Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882

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