Monday, 7 November 2016

Copyright registration in Bangalore | Le Intelligensia

Copyright is a right given by the law to creators of literary, drama, story etc. It's a bundle of rights including by the inventors. Copyright registration process are mentioned given below,
  1. Separate application registration for each work
  2. You have pay cost for separate application.
  3. Application should be signed by the applicant or advocate and power of attorney has been executed.
Once you decided to register your copyright for particular invention you have to fill and apply. After filling the application, there may be particular time period to process your application. Before apply for the copyrights, you have to choose a right copyright registration in bangalore. For this field, Le Intelligensia are the famous intellectual property service providers. They have various branches in India like Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai. After applying the application, you have to wait maximum of 30 days it's mandatory. During that process time, your application to be verified from others. To check the same type of invention or creation to be registered by others. If your creation to be register before, your application to be rejected. Because, the same invention cannot approve more than one person. That the reason for reject the application. To ensure that, to select the right agency for register your rights.

Contact Us
Le Intelligensia
No. 28, First Floor,
3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Cell Phone: 09739 939393
Land Line: 080 – 6547 0996

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