Thursday, 15 September 2016


Generally Registering Trademark is a unique Mark or Symbol to which a person or a Company as declared Ownership by filling the Trademark with Trademark office and US Patent.If a company is legally registered to own a Trademark then it can Legally produce their goods and services as a Branded one where people can also believe with the Products.Le Intelligensia helps all over the problems related to Patents,Trademark,Logo Design based on Law they will be quite needy to our customers.We are specializes in handling Intellectual Property and Corporate law where we arises by Protecting your Trademark,Patent Rights and Copyright by assisting your Company to get Legal License.After Registered your Trademark Registration In Hyderabad,which gives good Reputation about the products you produce.Don’t use ® Symbol until your Company gets Registered legally with Trademark.Trademark Registration In Hyderabad will works in best interests of the firm to get the best Professionals in Hyderabad to carry out their Registered Requirements.Le intelligensia people are highly Knowledgeable and well Trained in this field.We have been established with the Vision of becoming one of the Top Law firms in providing legal assistance and so it is very particular about satisfying the needs of our clients by moving a step ahead,and by not merely advising but also by reaching out to the clients and making sure that the advice helps them in solving their problems.The Benefits you can receive after the Registration are The Registered Proprietor is authorized to use ® symbol after your brand or logo,Registered provides branded status to your products and The Registered Proprietor can take legal action on other company who breaks the law and agreement against duplication.Though all people are equal before law don’t ever be against law be legally authorized with Le Intelligensia.Protect your Brand,Invention in a most effective way at a reasonable cost.

Contact Us

H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882

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