Le Intelligensia specializes in Intellectual property and Corporate law they comes under protecting your Trademark,Patent rights,and Copyright and assisting your company to get Legal License.The establishment of the company is incomplete without legal Obligations where it is against law here Le Intelligensia provides Rights,Trademark in legal form.Normally,Trademark is a word or object for the goods and services produced by company when it is legally registered and said to be as Registered Trademark.It makes a unqiue identity for a company.Trademark Registration In Hyderabad as lot of procedures to complete a registration process though without a complete documentention no trademark will be registered legally,if you complete the process legally with the help of Ieintelligensia their registration trademark will provide you to promote your brand well and will be popular in a short life span.Trademark Registration In Hyderabad with LeIntelligensia were served for Individual concern to top branded organizations in the best way they can.Trademark symbol beside your product after registration gives you good reputation and great respect in the society.The benefits you can receive after the registration are The Registrated Proprietor is authorized to use ® symbol after your brand or logo,Registered provides branded status to your products and The Registered Propeitor can take legal action on other company who breaks the law and agreement against duplication.Though all people are equal before law don’t ever be against law be legally authorized with Le Intelligensia.Protect your Brand,Invention in a most effective way at a resonable cost.
Contact Us
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882
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