Friday, 30 September 2016


Copyright is a right given by the law to creators of literary like Books and Articles,Dramatic,Musical and Artistic works like Paintings and Sculptures and Producers of Cinematography films and Sound recordings and even for a Software.In fact,it is a bundle of rights including and It is necessary to hold the rights for product to execute legally.There could be Slight Variations in the composition of the rights depending on the Work.Copyright is simply ensures certain minimal safeguards of the rights of authors of their Creations,their by protecting and rewarding Creativity.It is the fact that every owner of their project makes with lot of effort and if that material were copied or illegally used somewhere else before you execute or after execution of the material without your permission,as you can’t claim any fine against them until you are enter with Copyright Registration In Hyderabad were are well done for years by Le Intelligensia.If though registered you can claim penalty against them.With us it is easy to complete the procedure of Copyright Registration In Hyderabad,the process of filling application is also simple.We are here to consult and guide with legal manner as we own best lawyers who are specialized skills and will be receiving legally through government.Our services which we helps to present legally in Trademark Registration,Patent Rights,Logo Design in the form of Intellectual Property in the legal way.Le intelligensia handles with care.

Contact Us
Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Patent registration in Bangalore | Le Intelligensia

We are the leading service providers for patent registration in Bangalore. Patent is the rights to be reserved from the patent office. Once you get the patent for your property, invention, thinking etc. You have to protect that from others. Make sure, no one cannot be used without your permission.  The procedure for registering a patent at patent office in Bangalore. Le Intelligensia are the famous patent registration in Bangalore. They provides this services many years. During the registration process, your patent to be analysed, verified then only it will be approved by the concerned person. The authorities will take particular days to analyse your patent. During that time, someone already get patent for the same invention your patent will be cancelled automatically. So, choose the right office and also get patent on your own.

Contact Us
Le Intelligensia
No. 28, First Floor,
3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Cell Phone: 09739 939393
Land Line: 080 – 6547 0996

Monday, 26 September 2016


If your Product or Service wants to get Popular in the short period of time and your brand leads to Success your Product needs to get Trademark Registered as it creates hype in market value and can rise owner’s invention to higher value of reputation in the society.Only when your Product gets popular researchers look for the product if not registered it is worthless to the invention you made.Le Intelligensia is the Leading Service Provider for Trademark Registration In Hyderabad over all major in India.The Trademark Symbol not only protects you and your brand but also be legally managed from other Competitors.Trademark Registeration gives a consequent warning for Infringers and counterfeiters.As no such person can use your product without your Permission if your legally registered with ® symbols.All these are necessary from onwer side where day by day more number of people are inventing Countless Products and Services all what you Introduced should not run out of Risk.Trademark Registeration In Hyderabad where we completes our Commitment on the part of a Company and will be guided well to drive into Success.A Registered Company definitely scores better than one that is not registered.Le Intelligensia works in the Best Interests of the firm to get the Best Professionals in Hyderabad to carry out their registration requirements.A Brand or a Service that has been hardly built over the years should not be permitted to lose Market Share or Identity due to Non-Registration or Poor Presentation of Application.We exhibit with its Core Strengths in registration and all Relied Activities has a Knowledge base and Experience that will be greatly useful to deal with situations as the need arises.It is precisely for this reason that clients should opt for Le Intelligensia.

Contact Us
Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882

Saturday, 24 September 2016


Do you think getting registered with patent rights is not such important,were their are more number of people where inventing their Product day by day is not yet registered under government law.It is neccessary to get approval from government only patent agents can help you and can guide in a proper way.If you think your product should be stay in a legal manner by getting patent rights visit Patent Office In Bangalore with Le Intelligensia.We just protects your Interests in the way of business as product would be build for years with risk because of not getting Patened no loss could be happen,or if you can’t able to release your product it is worthless of inventing.It will be popular only when you get registered as it can reach your customers easily and that your product gets respect in the Society and no other company neither duplicates your product without your permission.Even if your product gets registered in chennai,Patent Office In Bangalore which is the head office of Le Intelligensia should be verified for final procedure as getting patened.We helps our customers by producing their goods and services with legal manner.Le Intelligensia with its extensive knowledge and experience in the field of Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights etc will be the right choice to offer professional services to the applicant at the Patent office in Bangalore.

Contact Us
Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739 939393
Ph: 080 – 6547 0996

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Copyright registration in Hyderabad | Le Intelligensia

Copyright is rights of the creator of work. The creator has the sole rights for the invention or creation whatever it may be. Creator has the whole rights for the creation. To register that creation or invention no one cannot be used without his/her permission. Copyright law is used to protect your idea. To register your rights, you have to choose right legal consultancy to register your rights. For this legal work, Le intelligensia provides a best legal services for their customers. We are the best copyright registration in Hyderabad, and also we provide other services like patent registration, trademark registration etc. We will provide all types of legal services for company as well as individual. Generally copyright is an exclusive rights and exist above 50 years after the death of the creator. Copyright is the special area of expertise within intellectual property law. So choose the right consultant to get the legal authority.  

Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882


Tuesday, 20 September 2016


Moreover if a product is immensely get popular in a short time span,Researchers will be finding for the Product’s Success and Service.And if that Product was Branded that gives more Popular for the particular company.Not only a company should own Branded Product but it also should be followed with Trademark Registration,It gives more respect in the Society for that company when your brand were legally registered,Where customers can easily believe your Product’s.If not registered then the Product popularity runs out of Risk.This makes it  the all more Necessary for Trademark Registration In Hyderabad where day to day Countless Products and Services are being Introduced,New Inventions,Some Different brands of similar Products.All what you be Introduced or Serviced should be Registered where it leads to Customers to Identify the Product and for Successful Branding.Le Intelligensia were specialized in Trademark Registration In Hyderabad where we completes our Commitment on the part of a Company and will be guided well to drive into Success.A Registered Company definitely scores better than one that is not registered.Le Intelligensia works in the Best Interests of the firm to get the Best Professionals in Hyderabad to carry out their registration requirements.This is due to the reasons cited above.A Brand or a Service that has been hardly built over the years should not be permitted to lose Market Share or Identity due to Non-Registration or Poor Presentation of Application.We exhibit with its Core Strengths in registration and all Relied Activities has a Knowledge base and Experience that will be greatly useful to deal with situations as the need arises.It is precisely for this reason that clients should opt for Le Intelligensia.

Contact Us

Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882


Friday, 16 September 2016


A Patent is a set of Exclusive Rights granted by a International Law to Inventor or Assignee for limited period of time in exchange of detailed public disclosure of an Invention.After Invention of your product it needs to be Manufactured and Marketed in the Society.If the Person or a Company doesn’t Registered with Patent Rights,then the Invention of the product Invented by you will be Worthless.If u were Registered with the Patent then no one will be used your product easily without your Permission,As in the case of absence of Registration your product get will be done on someone else's name.Patent Registration In Hyderabad specializes in getting Patent Rights in Legal Manner with Government support and gets Valids until limited period of time.The Inventor who owns the product has all rights to be used by it,Patent gets Intellectual and Commercial Rights for the Product.Benefit for the Patent Holder will be the Invention you made can offer as Service and can move Financially without any Obstacles.You can even claim from the person who Misuses your product after you get registered with Patent Registeration In Hyderabad.Registering Patent will make easy by Le Intelligensia through Online and you can Confidently Manufacture and Sell your Product with Lisence.For all this issues of getting Registered only Proffessionals in the field can sort you out of it,Le Intelligensia with its Extensive Knowledge and Experience in the field of Trademarks and Patent.We are also skilled at getting Copyrights,Logo Registration Granted and Granting Rights to Form a Company.

Contact Us

Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882

Patent office in Bangalore | Le Intelligensia

A patent office is an agency to get patent from the Government office. Patent protects the invention from illegal use. If you wants to register your new invention or idea you will contact the patent office or patent agents. For patent registration, you have to choose the best patent agents or patent office. Once you gone through via patent office to get the legal rights. Le Intelligensia is one of the top most patent office in Bangalore. During the registration process, they wants to check the invention is already patented or not. After that only they will give the approval for your patent

Contact Us
Le Intelligensia
No. 28, First Floor,
3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Cell Phone: 09739 939393
Land Line: 080 – 6547 0996


Thursday, 15 September 2016


Generally Registering Trademark is a unique Mark or Symbol to which a person or a Company as declared Ownership by filling the Trademark with Trademark office and US Patent.If a company is legally registered to own a Trademark then it can Legally produce their goods and services as a Branded one where people can also believe with the Products.Le Intelligensia helps all over the problems related to Patents,Trademark,Logo Design based on Law they will be quite needy to our customers.We are specializes in handling Intellectual Property and Corporate law where we arises by Protecting your Trademark,Patent Rights and Copyright by assisting your Company to get Legal License.After Registered your Trademark Registration In Hyderabad,which gives good Reputation about the products you produce.Don’t use ® Symbol until your Company gets Registered legally with Trademark.Trademark Registration In Hyderabad will works in best interests of the firm to get the best Professionals in Hyderabad to carry out their Registered Requirements.Le intelligensia people are highly Knowledgeable and well Trained in this field.We have been established with the Vision of becoming one of the Top Law firms in providing legal assistance and so it is very particular about satisfying the needs of our clients by moving a step ahead,and by not merely advising but also by reaching out to the clients and making sure that the advice helps them in solving their problems.The Benefits you can receive after the Registration are The Registered Proprietor is authorized to use ® symbol after your brand or logo,Registered provides branded status to your products and The Registered Proprietor can take legal action on other company who breaks the law and agreement against duplication.Though all people are equal before law don’t ever be against law be legally authorized with Le Intelligensia.Protect your Brand,Invention in a most effective way at a reasonable cost.

Contact Us

H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882

Saturday, 10 September 2016


Le Intelligensia specializes in Intellectual property and Corporate law they comes under protecting your Trademark,Patent rights,and Copyright and assisting your company to get Legal License.The establishment of the company is incomplete without legal Obligations where it is against law here Le Intelligensia provides Rights,Trademark in legal form.Normally,Trademark is a word or object for the goods and services produced by company when it is legally registered and said to be as Registered Trademark.It makes a unqiue identity for a company.Trademark Registration In Hyderabad as lot of procedures to complete a registration process though without a complete documentention no trademark will be registered legally,if you complete the process legally with the help of Ieintelligensia their registration trademark will provide you to promote your brand well and will be popular in a short life span.Trademark Registration In Hyderabad with LeIntelligensia were served for Individual concern to top branded organizations in the best way they can.Trademark symbol beside your product after registration gives you good reputation and great respect in the society.The benefits you can receive after the registration are The Registrated Proprietor is authorized to use ® symbol after your brand or logo,Registered provides branded status to your products and The Registered Propeitor can take legal action on other company who breaks the law and agreement against duplication.Though all people are equal before law don’t ever be against law be legally authorized with Le Intelligensia.Protect your Brand,Invention in a most effective way at a resonable cost.

Contact Us

H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Copyright registration in Hyderabad | Le Intelligensia

Copyright is a right which was given by the law of creators, dramatic, etc. Copyrights is the bundle of work including your ideas, invention and so on. Once you decided to protect your invention or ideas you have to register it through the legal copyright agency. For copyright registration, Le intelligensia offers best services for their clients. It is one of the famous copyright registration in Hyderabad. We do many legal services like patent, trademark registration etc. We will help our clients to register their right legally. So, select the right agency to register your work.   

Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884 228882
