Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Why We Need Intellectual Property Rights? - Le Intelligensia IPR

When i think about my financial future about my business , the first thing that comes to your Mind is Trade Mark and branding my company. One of my Friend referred me LE INTELLIGENSIA. When i had a detailed discussing with the team of Le Intelligensia i had a clear idea about there services Trademark, Copyright, Patent, Design, GI (geographical indication), etc.. Which impressed me to go on with there services.

TRADEMARK is a sign that you can use to distinguish your business' goods or services from those of other traders.A trademark can be represented graphically in the form of your company's logo or a signature.

Copyright registration provided the license for my company Software.There provide the Brand Name for my company by registering the BrandName Registration and Logo Registration as big thing come in small work.

It’s important to build a personal brand because it’s the only thing you’re going to have, So it is necessary to build a brand own name for your concern , meet specialists if IPR firms who can make it highly possible and brings effective solutions to build a brand easily.
Your company brand is what people say about you all around the world.Le Intelligensia also help in company Formation also.

Contact Us

Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09108569562
Phone: 080 – 65470996

Friday, 9 June 2017

Copyright Registration In Hyderabad - Copyright Office | Le Intelligensia IPR

Copyrights are the common assignable legal rights that have to be registered for each and every material which is quite necessary for an owner or a creator to keep his invention safe over all hurdles.Copyrights are issued for films, articles, literary works, cinematography, dramatics, musical works or for even desirable to software programs.All these are important for each inventory ones as all your efforts are ready to play in market or to execute it have to manually check with legal registration whether it has done for your project or else everything which is done for years with lot of efforts if not registered for basic reason that would result as worthless of inventing as it was waste of time and money.Creators or owners will be only at Creative path as they concentrate on one path of their work and you won’t be thinking about whether doing your final process to make it execute.If all these have not properly followed with, others can easily take over or can copy your project easily. 

Le Intelligensia IPR completely takes over the job in concluding best results, as we are expertize in this field withholding specialized team. We not only primarily focuses on Copyrights Registration but specialized in fielding over other Intellectual Property Rights like Trademark, Logo Design, Patents Registration etc,As we aim that our clients should access our services everything at one stop shop.Copyright Registration In Hyderabad is popular at making over Copyrights easily and legally from Government which creates the valid period for your project till your demise.Also Copyright Registration in Bangalore with special arrangements and for those to make effective and reliable services, the registration process is filled in online itself.

Contact Us
Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884228882