Wednesday 28 December 2016


If you are eagerly looking forward to establish your business and want enter your business to trade factor, which are all should be equally promoted with a need to be legally start with a licence.Though to avoid infringement before the product gets commercially executed.Only inventor of product knows the value of creation which is made through made out from lots of efforts.Such prime thing should be protected from legal Trademark right.Where only brand works out in this present scenario.A legal firm is initially being striving hard to process Trademark Registration In Bangalore by protecting an individual's passion towards values.We, Le Intelligensia crossed over with superior competencies and been standardized alone with extraordinary clientele background.Which in part helping their customers companies completely involving with Brand Name Registration In Bangalore and along activities we offer in registering Patents, Design, Copyrights etc under professional manner.A firm or company at some stage have to initiate legal action against individuals or entities of not getting infringement on a registered company.We proceed with a wealth of knowledge and expertise on the procedures to be followed will be able to guide and assist firms to take suitable action in this regard.Our approach towards people makes them with complete satisfaction on their expenses and we closely creates a relationship with our clients to make them comfort until the service being offered.Hence, Brand Name Registration In Bangalore helps you to gain more customers and sales for your product.

Contact Us
Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739939393
Phone: 080 – 65470996

Tuesday 27 December 2016


Salient feature of Trademark comes to know only when we face hurdles in our business strategy.It is prime factor for every individual to protect their own assets without any hassle.It is quite common that people keep on inventing in daily basis which leads to the chances of threat too.People after lots of efforts and backups reached to produce an outcome of their product to execute it commerically, but not all are getting in knowledge to register with Trademark, which protects your product with a brand value.Where people believes and gets with branded products. To increase company and product sales over your product with a brand value one should check with Trademark Consultants In Bangalore, who are prominently being focusing to provide elegant features for people to get Trademark Registration In Bangalore in facile manner.

“Le Intelligensia” who are the forerunners in the field of protecting intellectual property firms and supporting business to get well developed with their own interest.Now with us registration gets simple and effortless as everything becomes online, people can also register your rights in online which makes you comfortable at every zone.Le Intelligensia is the only agency who provides professional services and owns head office in Bangalore to serve the need of the people.Also offering best set of services in Patent Rights, Copyrights and Design activities under reliable cost.Get valuable idea under Trademark Consultants In Bangalore, as we respect your values as our passion.To get register your logo under experts feel free to contact us.

Contact Us
Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739939393
Phone: 080 – 6547 0996

Monday 26 December 2016


Why don’t people think about importance in getting registered with Copyright Registration In Bangalore.As it is one’s own creation of work which is should be no way rather then securing it from infringement.Where a legal firm is focused with only such legal activities that can serve people’s requirements and fulfill them without any hassle.We Le Intelligensia, with only motto to suggest and advice people at right part on their move, to reach the profitable zone.Once a creation being done by a person, occurrence of illegal activities being participated by others.Without a legal permission from the creator, others will simply duplicate the product which is came by one’s effort to raise their business interest.Anything which is going to be commercial executed need to protected under Copyright law if such doesn’t happen then the owner faces with risk that the competitor with no effort copies the data and drives to their usage.Once the creator being legally registered under the act of law that benefits him financially and economically.Where if any misuse came over the owner can legally claim the penalty from the person with the proof of getting legal Copyright Registration In Bangalore form under experts will makes people free from threats.
Moreover Copyright being used for works like Literary, Musical, Artworks, Software programs and Cinematography which are mainly being needy for everyone and chance to be commercially successful.Such things should be highly protected under a firm who as expert handling of an application where one can receive proper set of licence for your effort.Le Intelligensia with extreme care also focuses and provides best services under Patent, Design and Trademark Registration with complete solution.

Contact Us
Le Intelligensia
H.No.23/2RT, 1st Floor,
Prakash Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500016,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: 09884228882

Friday 23 December 2016


Patent right is valuable asset for one’s invention.It is quite very important to protect your values of getting misuse from threat and infringement.As many products being invented rapidly all are not getting legally patented which falls with high risk.To avoid such occurrence the need of getting legally registered will be fulfilled under Patent Office In Bangalore.As Bangalore is often being introduced new products at day to day life which can lead to the chance of threat, where your valuable invention will be taken part in some others name as your invention become worthless.It is really hard to found out a proper legal firm in Bangalore city, who were well nuances with the facts of law and can well handle any kind of situation in the type of issues.

 Le Intelligensia, the among leading firm who provides and serves only with the best services at any point of time without any hesitation.Legal assistants under our firm are well trained and expertise with all set of activities we provide like Patent Registration, Copyrights, Trademark Registration, and Design.It is our passion to protect your values and with a commitment we follow you until your rights get registered.Patent Registration In Bangalore gets simple, effortless and reliable with Le Intelligensia under Patent Office In Bangalore which is most trusted by people so far with our services.

Contact Us
Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739939393
Phone: 080 – 6547 0996


Thursday 22 December 2016


A good startup can only be completed with Brand Name Registration In Bangalore, moreover our best set of suggestion will create hype in your business under one set of solution.Products are only being identified with brand names and similarly it plays vital role for that company.Often the city of Bangalore comes with numerous set of inventions but fails to register their brand.Where this situation leads to risk for them, where others take that as advantage of registering your invention under their name to create confusion.Slowly people start disbelieving your product this reduces the sales and gets into loss.To find out one complete solution to ignore this situation our one kind advice to get under reputed firm like Le Intelligensia, where people can be served with complete satisfaction based on their requirement.We have been established core competencies in registering and related aspects of business.Le Intelligensia with a wealth of knowledge and expertise on the procedures to be followed will be able to guide and assist firms to take suitable action in this regard.The process of Brand Name Registration In Bangalore benefits people in finding your business easily than before, becomes effective communication tool between customers and business, company brand will be in customers mind and finally trademark owner as an automatic right to sue in federal court at the the time of infringement.Related budget you spent on your products should only be profitable for your business don’t yet lose this chance for elementary reason.

Contact Us
Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739939393
Phone: 080 – 65470996

Monday 19 December 2016


Copyright is an exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator in protecting people’s Intellectual Property Rights for a fixed number of years, to print , publish, perform, record literary, artistic, musical material etc.Such things which people been hardly working out for years to bring the created work for execution that should be licensed legally or else that can be chances of being misused by others.Copyright Registration In Bangalore secures original works of art, music till software, that particular related author for the work need to be make of filling out proper registration with copyrights under a legal and expertise firm who makes your procedure easy and makes it effortless in making it possible under low cost.We, Le Intelligensia expertise in aiding helps out people in getting registered legally and stand by throughout in carrying out entire process by filling application form until the time of receiving the copyrights in making great support.We even provide our assistance in case of copyright violation and actions to be undertaken in such circumstances.As the benefit for a owner is that the person can then claim of being his/her work under the time of misuse being occurred.Le Intelligensia provides great need in fulfilling the requirement based on the issues and that is only reason people depend on us in making use of Copyright Registration In Bangalore.

Contact Us
Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739939393
Ph: 080 – 6547 0996

Saturday 17 December 2016


The widespread of Intellectual Property Rights is big in India.The main objective for everyone is that when a product gets newly invented by a creator and then that relates to the growth in trade, commerce and industry, an ipr law must be there to protect them.As these kind of laws being more introduced the basic set of laws is must to your need which should be primarily followed before falling in risk like Patent Rights, Trademark, Copyrights and Design.And one of the underlying factors is that each man must sell his product under his / her own name and identity as one can't steal anyone's identity because it had been came from more examples, as it also increases your brand rate with logo gives better attraction towards your product.In India, we have a very effective and robust trademark law in place, but the policy deals with the mechanism of trademark registration.So people who are planning to register under a legal firm, one should move with Le Intelligensia who are greatly been immersing in the services of serving people towards all their needs.Also been contributing best services as Trademark Consultants In Bangalore, as the city itself filled with numerous inventions in their day to day life.So to control over all such issues one should secure it before with Trademark Registration In Bangalore will be necessary.Benefits in owning Trademark for your company is used to identify your products easily and also people believes in your product as it also increases your brand level.To make bit easy in your process of getting registered visit Trademark Consultants In Bangalore, only such sensitive things should be submitted under people who know facts of law and can easily handle any type of issue without any hassle.

Contact Us
Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739939393
Phone: 080 – 65470996

Thursday 15 December 2016


The foremost thing in law is Patent Law as it is all to do with inventions and innovations.Normally patent is the reward for your invention.Also patent rights can’t be registered for all your products where it can be taken into account for some where some can’t.Before getting registered to it some should check with the needs and should verified it.If all such matches for getting registered to get patent rights, then the Patent Office In Bangalore helps in sorting out clearly and guides completely to reach solutions for business targets.Here Le Intelligensia tells you more about Patent Registration In Bangalore and how it works?..

  1. Basic thing is to be checked with the requirements that to produce for filing a patent should be clear and fulfilled.
  2. Next making sure that the patent is clear for granting or it is pending due to the requirement we produce.
  3. Next step would drafting the application like filing the application in Patent Office In Bangalore, which makes it quite easy.
  4. And next will be uploading the application in the internet and been legally filing the patent form.
  5. And before moving with final step, one needs to crossed with the tracking and checking process by registrar.If any issues being raised due to application then, it will be legally supported and solved under Le Intelligensia with extreme care over your values as we passionate in making your values into leads.
  6. At last, the final step will be granting patent rights for the creation in order to assure the product is legally registered under act of law.

With this a person or his business benefits in claiming penalty over the occurrence if any misuse being charged at the time of execution.And also been highly standardized in increasing their business interest by owning a self business under legal patent rights.
Le Intelligensia, a reputed agency covering more over happy clients so far and completely committed in satisfying customers who shows special interest in them and provides excellent services attaining in Trademark, Design and Copyrights with great support being produced until the procedure gets completed.

Contact Us

Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739939393
Phone: 080 – 6547 0996

Wednesday 14 December 2016


Brand which basically refers to Trademark which we simply known as tool of advertising a particular company’s logo or symbol.A company’s brand is a primary source of its competitive advantage to increase sales over it and it is very valuable asset of strategic plans of a firm.Many of quite don’t understand the importance of protecting their brand as thinking of it is not a tough task but, you would be unknown about the facts that your logo can be duplicated by others without your knowledge or can be used without your permission.At that time the person who owns the logo can’t be undergone with any action or not possible in claiming the other person in any legal form until the person will legally get registered.
In such cases to avoid infringement one has to move with a legal firm who completely supports from their bottom of their heart which only respects and values your assets, not the firm should simply owned with the above qualities but also been enough talented and trained over multiple issues and capable to handle any kind of issue with one set of solution under one firm would be Le Intelligensia, the only dedicated team assists you in simple, comprehensive and economical way of filing your Brand Name Registration In Bangalore with legal way of action.Also people who are frequently being asked by getting registered can pleased to be welcome that we are here to offer with best set of services and attain benefits through making it effective.Filing Brand Name Registration In Bangalore is quite simple, effortless and affordable once you visit Le Intelligensia.Hence to reach customers more professionally by owning a brand increases your business with Trademark Consultants In Bangalore to make the procedures easy.

Contact Us
Bangalore Head Office
No. 28, First Floor, 3rd Cross, Sampige Road,
Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003
Karnataka, India
Mobile: 09739939393
Ph: 080 – 6547 0996